Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chapter VI

Chapter VI – Tuesday 29th April 2014

The next day came around; Grant sat in the broad white car that had become James’ latest acquisition. It was just the two of them today; James had already dropped Rita off an hour before because she had morning cheerleading practice, there was a football game today, the first one since the crash. James seemed distant, Grant knew about the game and he knew that James’ injuries would prevent him from being able to play. He was sure that this was the source of his distant mood; so he thought he would try to avoid the subject.
‘’So, I’m going on a date with Layla today’’ he said.
‘’Layla? Layla Kastell?’’ James replied.
‘’Yeah, Layla Kastell’’                         
‘’Sick, how’d that happen?’’
‘’Dunno how she got my number, but she called me last night to ask how you were after the crash, one thing led to another and we ended up talking for hours’’
‘’Yeah, and I was just wondering –‘’
‘’Listen, Friday I know you. You were probably anxious about telling me because you thought I would get annoyed or something, I get that of course. But I have Rita, she’s all I want, and technically you’re not really doing anything wrong because I didn’t even make out with her or anything, didn’t even like her in that way, I just thought she was cute’’
‘’Is that right?’’
‘’Yup, that’s right’’
Grant chuckled ‘’Does this mean I have you blessing, bro?’’
‘’Grant Friday’s going on his first date? How can I say no? Do your thing man’’
‘’Thanks man’’ Grant said as he shook his hand, he appreciated James’ support. They arrived at school and were greeted by Rita who had finished practice and was waiting for them at their bench. They sat down together because they had a few minutes to spare before they had to make their way to homeroom.
‘’James, baby, are you coming to the game today?’’ she asked James cautiously.
‘’Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?’’ he replied.
‘’It’s the first game since your crash. You won’t be able to play, obviously, so I just thought maybe –‘’
‘’I’ll be there okay. Listen, I still love football, and I wanna be there to see you cheer and stuff. I’ll be there one hundred percent there’s no problem’’
‘’Okay, James, okay’’ she replied as she ran her fingers through his hair affectionately. She then turned her attention to Grant. ‘’So, what’s new with you?’’ she asked eagerly.
‘’I’m going on a date with Layla today.’’ He replied cautiously.
‘’Really? Layla, Layla?’’ she asked.
‘’Yup. Layla, Layla.’’
‘’She’s real pretty’’ she said as she glanced over at James for a split second.
Grant let out an awkward laugh.
‘’She is, she’s real kind too, I hope it all goes well’’ he said nervously. Rita reached over and grabbed his cheek with her thumb and index finger and squeezed it playfully.
‘’Aww, Grant. I hope it all goes well for you, make sure you tell us everything!’’ she said. Grant nodded and chuckled timidly as he reached into in his bag for a bottle of water. Soon after the bell went to signal the start of homeroom, they made their way and then duly went to first period chemistry after it had finished. It went the same way it always did, Mrs. Palmer stood at the front of the classroom barking orders and equations at the class while they listened. Grant was in a good mood today; he wasn’t sure how James and Rita would react to the news of him going on a date with Layla, and he was over the moon that they were both happy for him. The only problem now, was that Grant had no idea how to carry himself on a date; he’d never even kissed a girl before let alone been on a date with one. That whole ‘’be yourself’’ crap that people always seemed to throw around was meaningless to him. He was a nerd and a loser. Why the hell would anyone go on a date and purposely act like a loser? He felt the urge to ask James for a word of advice, but he’d only really ever been out with Rita, so the chances were that he wouldn’t be of much use. He figured he would try to catch Nick at home; he was something of a suave womaniser, so Grant figured he’d be able to squeeze out a few drops of wisdom from him. The remainder of the day was fairly usual, luckily they never came across Warren or any of his followers; just as well, Grant was in a good mood and didn’t want anything to ruin it, especially with his big date coming up later on. After school, Grant sat in James’ car staring deeply at his friend who was irregularly silent. He shuffled around in his seat, not really wanting to indulge in awkward conversation.
‘’Dude, you okay?’’ he asked.
‘’I’m fine, I’m totally fine.’’ James shot back.
‘’We both know it isn’t gonna be easy for you to just watch from the bleachers today’’
‘’I’ll be fine, I’m still captain, I gotta support the team, I gotta support Cassidy. I’m going to that game tonight. You? You focus on this date of yours.’’
Grant raised his eyebrows and looked out the window; he didn’t want to bother James any further so he just put the conversation to bed.

A few minutes later they arrived at Grant’s house, as Grant got out, James followed him.
‘’I’ll just say hello to your mom real quick’’ he said. Grant acknowledged this but didn’t say anything as the pair of them made their way to his front door. Grant slid in the key and gently pushed the door open; they were welcomed by Ruby who was sitting on the couch watching her usual day time TV.
‘’Hello boys’’ she said nicely. Grant took off his shoes and walked over to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
‘’Hey mom, how are you?’’ he asked.
‘’I’m okay, Grant. I’ve been on the couch all day, but I’ve been meaning to go to the store for some groceries’’ she replied. James cleared his throat.
‘’We can go to the store for you, Aunt Ruby’’ he suggested.
‘’That won’t be necessary, thanks anyways, James’’
‘’It’s really no problem, my car is right outside it’ll take us like twenty minutes, tops’’
‘’Honestly, James it’s all fine. I’m meeting a friend there anyways. I’ve been somewhat kept out of the gossip loop recently’’
James raised his arms in a playful acknowledgement.
‘’Alright’’ he said as he chuckled. ‘’You do what you have to do, Aunt Ruby’’ he added. She kissed Grant back on the cheek and waved goodbye to James as she made her way up to her room to get changed. Grant looked down and noticed James was still wearing his sneakers.
‘’You not sticking around?’’ he asked. James buttoned up his navy baseball jacket as he spoke. ‘’Nah, bro. I’m out.’’ He said as he stuck out his hand for Grant for shake.
‘’Yeah, yeah sure. I gotta get ready for this date anyway’’ Grant replied as he shook his hand firmly. James winked at him.
‘’You’ll be more than fine. Listen, text or call me straight away if something pops up, alright?’’ he said in an assuring tone. Grant nodded as James turned around and walked out the house. Grant went upstairs into his room and prepared himself for a shower. He walked out about twenty minutes later and looked in the mirror, only a towel covering the lower half of his bare body. He stood there and inspected his flawless physique the same way he always did, the nerves regarding his imminent date were starting to settle in. Only about an hour remained before his date, he hadn’t even told his parents about it because he was too scared. In his eyes it was better for him to just go on the date privately and avoid any embarrassment that could arise should the date go wrong. He sat on his bed and tried to clear his mind, he was kind of intimidated, Layla was an amazing in every sense of the word, and he had begun to feel as if he had bitten more than he could chew. About half an hour had passed; he was floating around his room applying all sorts of cologne and body moisturizers. Finally he focused and started to look for an outfit. He opened his closet and scanned what was in there, he became frustrated at what he saw as a closet filled with clothes that would only help to fend Layla off rather than keep her interested. He heard a knock at his bedroom door.
‘’It’s open’’ he called. Nick opened it slowly and stuck his head through the gap between the door and the door frame as it grew. He entered the room.
‘’Honestly, I legit have no idea how you’re so ripped, man’’ he said as he chuckled awkwardly.
‘’Genes I guess’’ Grant replied just as awkwardly.
‘’What’s the occasion, you usually save your showers for after dinner’’ Nick said as he sipped on a can of lemonade.
‘’I, er – I have a date’’ Grant replied.
Nick almost choked on his drink.
‘’A what? A date?’’ he asked as he coughed vigorously.
‘’Yes, Nick. A date’’ Grant shot back.
‘’First date huh? You told your folks?’’
‘’I haven’t. Mom will just fuss around and try to dress me up’’
‘’And Uncle Leo?’’
‘’Dad? He’ll just give me an untold amount of useless advice, it’s best they sit this one out, trust me’’
‘’Makes sense I guess’’
‘’Well if you want my advice, just be yourself, man’’
‘’That’s bullshit, Nick’’
‘’Listen, you’re a decent cat. If this girl doesn’t like you for who you are then it’s her loss’’
‘’But –‘’
‘’Nah, not interested’’ Nick said as he walked towards the door to leave. ‘’Go out there and be Grant Friday aight, I promise you’ll be fine’’
‘’Put your money where your mouth is’’
‘’Half my next pay check if you guys don’t end up going out another date after today’’
‘’Alright’’ Grant replied as he stuck out his hand.
Nick shook his hand firmly.
‘’Don’t go out there and purposely make a dick outta yourself to earn some cash, take my advice and this girl as good as yours’’
‘’I got it’’ Grant said as he laughed. ‘’Now get outta here, I gotta get changed’’ he added. Nick made his way to the door and placed forty dollars on Grant’s underwear drawer as he left.
‘’Treat her’’ he called as he opened Grant’s bedroom door to leave.
‘’Thanks, man’’ Grant replied. He then returned to his closet and carried on his search for a suitable outfit for his date. ‘’Alright, just be yourself. Just be yourself’’ he said quietly to himself. Finally he elected to dress himself in a white sweater, dark blue jeans and a pair of white sneakers that Nick had bought him for his seventeenth birthday. He stood in the mirror so he could inspect his outfit. He was happy with what he saw after a few minutes of analysis, finally he threw on his dark cotton jacket (another one of Nick’s presents) and headed for his door. Leonard was taking a nap after a long day at work, so he went to the kitchen ‘’See you later, Mom, I’m heading back to school to watch the football game’’ he said quickly.
‘’You’re dressed awfully nice’’ Ruby said as she turned around from her pots on the stove.
‘’I am?’’
‘’You are… what’s the occasion?’’
‘’Oh, no occasion, Mom. I just thought I would wear a few of the things that Nick bought me, that’s all.’’
‘’Alright, if you say so, honey. Do you need some cash?’’
‘’Nah I still have that fifteen you gave me this morning’’
‘’Oh, alright’’
‘’Yeah… well I erm, I better get going.’’ He said as he quickly walked over and planted a kiss on her cheek. ‘’I won’t be home too late, alright’’ he added.
‘’Don’t worry, see you later, love you’’
‘’Love you too, Mom’’ he called back as he left the house. He made his way to the bus stop; he kept checking his phone to see if he’d received a call or text from Layla, but nothing. After a journey that lasted about fifteen minutes he reached the town centre, it was literally six o’clock sharp, and as he stood there in wait, a blue Ford Mondeo stopped outside the town centre and out stepped Layla, looking as enchanting as she always did. Her lips just as plump and her skin just as beautiful as it was when Grant first saw her in the hospital. She had on a jacket, under it there was a black cardigan and white t shirt. She accompanied this with a white skirt that reached about half way past her knees. Grant quickly scanned her outfit and realised that this was a girl who had a lot of respect for herself; this instantly gave him a positive vibe about the rest of the evening.
‘’Hey there’’ Grant said timidly.
‘’Hey, Grant’’ Layla said as she opened her arms to signal that she wanted to be greeted with a hug. Grant stood awkwardly for a second then quickly hugged her. Layla felt the awkwardness too but she masked it with a little giggle. Grant blushed and smiled. ‘’Listen, you don’t have to be nervous, alright?’’ she added. Grant nodded and stuck out his palm.
‘’Hold my hand’’ he said. Layla smiled and held his hand fondly. ‘’There’s’’ Grant cleared his throat. ‘’There’s an Italian place about a block down this street, sound good?’’
‘’Sounds great, Grant’’
‘’Let’s go then’’
‘’Lead the way’’
They walked for a short while from the town centre to the Italian restaurant, Grant was mentally repeating ‘’Alright, just be yourself. Just be yourself’’ in his mind throughout their conversation. They arrived at the restaurant. Grant helped Layla take off her jacket, Layla looked into his eyes and once again he started to blush, this made Layla chuckle softly.
‘’What’s up?’’ she said.
‘’Oh, nah it’s nothing’’
‘’Grant, what is it?’’
‘’Oh nothing, it’s just… you look beautiful tonight, Layla’’
‘’Thank you, you’re so sweet. You don’t look half bad yourself’’ she said as she planted a kiss on is cheek, this made him blush even harder. Layla liked it; she liked the fact that Grant was so nervous. It made her warm up to him because she found it kind of cute, she had this genuine guy in front of her who just wanted to make sure she had a good time, and she hadn’t felt this way in her entire life.
‘’Layla wait here, I’m gonna get us a table’’ Grant said.
‘’Yeah, go ahead’’ Layla replied.
Grant took a deep breath; he spotted a tall dark skinned man with a thin moustache, thick braids and a muscular build. He identified him as a waiter and made his way over.
‘’Table for two? Preferably by a window’’ he said confidently.
‘’Sorry, kid. Can’t help you’’
‘’Can’t help you’’
‘’Come on, dude why not?’’
‘’Fully booked’’
‘’Well gimme something regular, doesn’t have to be by a -’’
‘’Fully booked, kid.’’
‘’Come on man, you gotta have something’’
‘’Nope, nothing’’ he said as he began to walk off. Grant grunted, seemingly annoyed.
‘’Dude’’ he said as he grabbed the waiters arm. The waiter sighed deeply and looked back at him.
‘’Kid, listen –‘’
‘’Nah you listen. Look, that girl over there. You see her? Brown hair, freckles, ridiculous smile? That’s my date, she’s so beautiful, and I really wanna get to know her. I really need make a good first impression. You gotta help me out, please?’’
The waiter took a deep breath and took out a little note pad from his left breast pocket.
‘’What’s your name, man?’’ he asked.
‘’Yes, Grant Friday’’
‘’You Leonard Friday’s kid by any chance?’’
‘’The lawyer?’’
‘’The lawyer’’
‘’I am… how do you know my Dad?’’
‘’Cops tried to pin a murder case on my brother a few years ago and your dad did all he could to prove his innocence. Worked in the end.’’
‘’Wait… Houston?’’
‘’Yeah, that’s the one’’
‘’My dad was absolutely obsessed with that case’’
‘’Well his obsession paid off’’
‘’That’s gotta count for something, right? Help me out, please?’’
 The waiter leaned in and spoke quietly. ‘’You’re in luck. I never really got the chance to thank your dad. This meal’s on me. I’ll get you your window seats, give me a sec’’
‘’Thanks, man. Thank you so much’’ Grant said, seemingly relieved. They exchanged a handshake as the waiter walked over to set up their table. Grant took another deep breath and walked back over to Layla who was waiting for him.
‘’They got a table for us?’’ she asked.
‘’Yeah, yeah they do’’
‘’How long do we have to wait?
‘’Not long, not long. The waiter said a few minutes’’
Layla nodded and smiled. A few moments passed before the waiter approached them.
‘’Your table’s ready, kids’’ he said politely. Grant stuck out his hand, Layla held it and they walked over to their seats, the waiter had it candle lit for them. Grant pulled out the chair for Layla, she sat down and he did the same.
‘’Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?’’ Layla said.
‘’I mean it’’
‘’Wow, thank you’’
‘’Why do you sound so surprised?’’
‘’That’s probably the first time that someone other than my mom has said that about me, means a lot, thanks, Layla’’
‘’You’re welcome, Grant’’
The night went perfectly, it was as if Layla could read Grant’s mind, she knew how to respond to everything he said and their conversation flowed so well. He spoke about everything, how he and James became friends, how he met Rita, how James and Rita got together. He spoke about Nick, about Nick’s parents, about his own parents. He spoke about everything; he opened up and let Layla in. He told Layla everything. Everything. Everything except one thing, the biggest detail of his life. Layla did the same, she opened up to Grant. She wasn’t as mysterious as Grant maybe thought, but he liked the fact that she paid him the same respect of opening up the way he did. They clicked so well, better than anyone Grant had clicked with since he first met James twelve years ago. After about three hours they’d finished the food, Layla scanned the bill.
‘’Seventy-five?’’ she exclaimed.
‘’Don’t worry about it’’
‘’No, Grant I can’t let you pay for all of that, how did it even get that expensive?!’’
‘’Nah, listen, the head waiter here owes my dad a favour. Meal’s on the house’’
‘’Really? What does your dad do?’’
‘’He’s a lawyer, has been for about twenty years now, never lost a case’’
‘’That’s so cool’’
‘’Yeah, real cool’’
‘’But how does that connect him with the waiter?’’
‘’Apparently my dad won a tough case for the waiter’s brother and this is his way of saying thanks’’
‘’Aww that’s cute’’
‘’Yeah, I guess it is’’
‘’So what do you wanna do Grant? You following in his footsteps?’’
‘’Me? Nah’’
‘’What you interested in?’’
‘’Math, I’m in love with numbers’’
‘’Yeah, for sure. What about you? You wanna be a nurse or?’’
‘’No way’’ she said. ‘’The hospital was offering a paid internship so I took it to get a bit of money. My parents cut off my allowance when I turned seventeen in January’’
‘’Sounds decent enough, how long you been there for?’’
‘’Not too long, like three months’’
Before Grant could reply, the waiter came over; he winked at Grant and picked up the bill receipts.
‘’Thanks, man. I appreciate it’’ Grant said
‘’No skin off me, man. Tell your dad Jerome Houston says he owes him’’
‘’Will do. Thanks again’’ Grant said as he smiled politely. The waiter returned a smile and walked off quickly, Layla checked her watch.
‘’Do you have school tomorrow, Grant?’’
‘’I do, I didn’t ask you though, what school do you go to?
‘’Drayton High?’’
‘’Junior, right?’’
‘’Yeah, I already told you I’m seventeen like you’’
‘’Can’t blame a guy for asking questions’’
‘’No, no I can’t’’ she said as she smiled.
‘’Good, cos I got another’’
‘’Hit me with it’’
‘’You know Tom Butler?’’
‘’The rich one?’’
‘’That’s the one’’
‘’Well not exactly, I mean he’s barely around, never really had a conversation with him in my life but he’s in a few of my classes’’
‘’Seems legit’’
‘’How do you know him?’’
‘’It’s a long story, maybe I’ll tell you on our next date’’
‘’I’d like that. I’d like that a lot’’
‘’I’ll call you. But for now, I need to get home’’
‘’Yeah sure’’
‘’No no don’t take it like that, I’d love to stay longer it’s just –‘’
‘’Grant. Calm down. I get it don’t worry’’ Layla said as she beamed another one of her gorgeous smiles that made always Grant melt.
‘’Alright, alright’’ he said as he stood up. Layla held his hand, they walked towards the exit and Grant raised a kind hand gesture to the waiter as they left. They walked back up towards the town centre, it was a cool spring evening, they both held their own jackets in one hand, and each other’s hands in the other.
‘’How are you getting home, Grant?’’
‘’Probably just take the bus’’
‘’Yeah, why what’s wrong?’’
‘’It’s getting pretty late’’
‘’I can take care of myself Layla’’ he said as he smiled
‘’Yeah I can tell’’ she said as she squeezed his firm bicep. ‘’Do you work out?’’ she asked. Grant started to feel dizzy, his stomach churned and for the first time tonight, he felt uncomfortable.
‘’Me? Work out? Course not’’ he said. ‘’Just genes I guess’’
‘’Well whatever it is, it works for you. You’re so cut’’ she replied. Grant blushed uncontrollably, he cleared his throat.
‘’How you getting home?’’ he asked.
‘’My mom will probably pick me up’’ she said as she reached into her pocket. She pulled out her cellphone and sent a text to her mom.
‘’So you live in Drayton? That’s kinda far from here’’
‘’It is, I mean it’s not that bad because I drive, it’s just my mom’s picking me up because I popped my tire last week’’ she said in an embarrassed tone. ‘’Don’t ask how’’ she added as she laughed lightly.
‘’Don’t worry I won’t’’ Grant said jokingly. They kept walking, as they approached the town centre, the same Ford Mondeo was parked there waiting.
‘’This is me’’ Layla said softly as she gestured towards the black car.
‘’Yeah, of course’’
‘’I had a lot of fun tonight, you’re a great guy, Grant’’
‘’Thanks, I er, I really enjoyed myself too, Layla’’
‘’Call me’’ she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek; she then waved to him as she got into the car.
‘’Will do’’ Grant mouthed as the car drove off. It was about ten o clock, Grant was upset that the fact he had school tomorrow hindered the amount of time he could spend with Layla. As he made his way to the bus stop his cellphone began to ring.
‘’Nick’’ he answered.
‘’You still on your date?’’
‘’I’m not, I’m on my way back now, you at the house?’’
‘’I ran to the store for Aunt Ruby, where are you? You close? I’ll pick you up’’
‘’I’m about half a block from the town centre’’
‘’That’s chill, give me like five’’
‘’Sweet, see you in a sec’’
‘’Peace’’ Nick said as he hung up the phone. Grant looked up to the sky and beamed a huge smile. After seventeen years of awkwardness and embarrassment, he’d finally met a girl that he felt comfortable with. Of course there was Rita, but she’d been a sister like figure to him since the day they’d met. It seemed Grant was immune to whatever made every guy at Terminal High School’s heart race whenever they came within ten feet of her. Grant always found it hard to keep his composure around good looking girls, let alone girls of Layla’s calibre. He was proud of himself, he’d been on his first date at long last, and judging by the way it went, he was almost certain that he was on course to experience his first girlfriend. Half way through his blissful train of thought, he spotted Nick’s car arriving. He hurried over and got in quickly.
He shook Nick’s hand and got comfortable in the seat.
‘’So do I owe you half my pay check or not’’ Nick asked jokingly
‘’Nah you can keep your money you idiot’’
‘’So Nick Friday’s advice worked again, no shock there’’
‘’Yeah, yeah lap it all up’’
‘’I’m nice at this shit man, I should start charging’’
‘’Screw off, Nick’’ Grant said as he chuckled.
‘’On a real though, how’d it go?’’
‘’You remember when dad was working on that false murder accusation case a few years back? Drove him nuts’’
‘’The infamous Houston case? How could I forget, the guy was a mess’’
‘’The guy’s brother was the head waiter at the restaurant; whole meal was on the house as a way of thanking dad. Insanity, right?’’
‘’Yeah no doubt, but how he’d know Uncle Leonard’s your dad?’’
‘’He asked for my name before he set up the table then put two and two together’’
‘’Makes sense, the date go well then?’’
‘’Yeah man she’s amazing, I’m taking her out again real soon so I’m keeping that forty bucks you gave me’’
‘’All yours. Happy for you man, it’s about time you scrub’’ he said as he shoved him affectionately.
‘’Thanks, man’’ Grant replied, smile still beaming.

They arrived home not to long after. It was about half past ten, Leonard had work the next day so he was already asleep and Ruby had gone up to bed as soon as she sent Nick to the store so there wasn’t anyone to greet when they got back. Nick yawned and scratched the back of his head as he took of his sneakers.
‘’You okay, Nick?’’
‘’Yeah, yeah I’m straight, just got a long fucking day tomorrow, man’’
‘’You remember that cat I worked with right, Melvin?’’
‘’Your partner? The one who got fired for stealing money?’’
‘’Yeah him. They hired his replacement yesterday, and I can’t really tell them like ‘nah I ain’t even tryna meet him’ cos he’s my new partner. Just gonna take a bit adjusting cos me and Melvin did things a certain way’’
‘’Sounds rough’’
‘’You don’t know the half of it’’ Nick said as he yawned. ‘’Banking is a swimming pool full of great white sharks, man’’
‘’So why do you do it?’’
‘’Because the pay is insane, and I’m pretty good at it’’
‘’Alright you got me’’ Grant chuckled.
‘’Bro, that’s me for now, gotta start at eight tomorrow. Don’t wanna bore you with my work shit anyways’’ Nick said as he stuck out his fist.
‘’Night, Nick’’ Grant said as he hit the fist with his own. That was it. Grant Friday just had his first ever date, and he was feeling over the moon. Everything about it was perfect, Layla was perfect. For the first time in his life he felt like he had purpose and everything had fallen into place. He had a love interest, James and Rita were back together, he got rid of the notion that everything was too good to be true and just wanted to let himself be happy.