Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Chapter III

Chapter III – Tuesday March 24th 2014

The day was better than the one before it, but in all honesty anything was an improvement from wetting himself. Grant spent the day keeping himself to himself, but he still remained diligent and stayed on his toes. He knew that if he bumped into Warren’s cronies they would have another go at him, so he had to be careful not to be caught in busy places, which ultimately meant he couldn’t go his regular bench. The day ended and Grant was able to avoid any confrontation, this was enough for him to go home with a sense of accomplishment. He took the bus home; on his arrival he saw something unexpected, it was James’ silver Mercedes. Grant stood there looking at the car… surely James and the team hadn’t been eliminated so early? He ran into the house to investigate, as he opened the door he saw Leonard; his commanding figure slumped gracefully on the brown leather couch. He made a few more steps into the house and peered across the room. There he was sitting across from his dad, the golden brown curls, the Peyton Manning jersey, it was him.
‘’Hey, man’’ James said softly as he stood up. Grant couldn’t contain his smile; he dropped his bag and walked over quickly.
‘’Didn’t expect you back this early’’ Grant said as they locked into a hug, a tight hug, both of them just so relieved to see one another. As they separated Leonard stood up and put a hand on each of their shoulders.
‘’I’ll be upstairs if you boys need anything’’ he said as he marched up towards his room.
‘’Thirteen percent, Grant. I threw thirty two percent, Grant, thirty two’’
‘’It was that bad, huh?’’
‘’One touchdown, barely. Garrett picked it up and rushed for like fifty’’ James said as he reached to the coffee table to retrieve his glass of water. ‘’And four interceptions before you ask. So yeah, we got creamed and it was my fault’’
‘’This is one game, Jimmy. You’ll bounce back from this’’
‘’Bro, their quarterback, Kevin Battle… fuck it, let’s just say he took me to school’’
‘’You gotta just move on from it’’
‘’That’s by far the worst game I’ve ever played… ugh ridiculous man, just a joke’’
‘’Just leave it, it’s over now, James’’
‘’Thomas, man!’’ blasted James. ‘’Thomas fucking Butler’’ he added.
‘’Thomas Butler? Simon Butler’s kid?’’ Grant asked.
‘’Yup, one of the richest guys in Florida. The best part is that he’s also Rita’s rebound’’
‘’Rough… So he’s the guy that Garrett saw Rita with?’’ Grant asked. James nodded and rubbed his forehead. ‘’How, though?’’ Grant added.
‘’It’s simple enough, Grant. I fucked up and he picked up the pieces’’ James answered.
Grant rubbed the back of his neck and clicked the knuckles on his left hand.
‘’So what now?’’
‘’I’ll get her back. I promise you. I just – I can’t go home right now. I told my mom about Rita and she lost it, just… Look I can’t have the two most important women in my life both pissed off with me, aight? There’s only so much I hack, can I crash here for tonight?’’ James asked.
‘’Yeah, course’’ Grant answered.
‘’Ugh, thanks bro. I knew I could count on you’’ James said as he and Grant shared a firm handshake.
The pair of friends spent a while in the living room watching TV and engaging in their usual banter. They didn’t do much else when they spent time together, so it was always a mystery to everyone why they were so inseparable. A few hours passed before Nick entered the house, he was home late after a day of work that was longer than usual, and his untucked shirt and unkempt hair was proof of his exhaustion. He walked past the boys like a zombie, lifting his head just about to greet them as he made his way to his bedroom.
‘’What’s eating him?’’ James asked in a concerned tone.
‘’His parents, they er, they died around this time of year. He’s always a bit different so just, let him have his space while you’re here’’ Grant responded.
‘’Ah, dude. That’s rough... I guess I’ll just stay outta his way then’’ James said.

About an hour or so later, the boys decided to go out, They got into James’ car and drove up towards the diner on Royston Avenue. They walked in and were greeted by a sight that made James sick to his stomach. Rita was sitting in a booth, across the booth was a brown skinned young man; he had a frail build, clear skin and very dark pupils. His hair was dark and clean shaved but he had it covered with a dark fedora hat. He wore a white shirt that was tucked into dark slacks. He finished this off with shiny black dress shoes. This was Thomas Butler, son of Simon Butler, one of the wealthiest men in all of Florida.
‘’Hey, dude we can go somewhere else if – ‘’
‘’Nah, nah this place is fine’’ James shot into Grant mid-sentence as he walked towards his ex-girlfriend. Grant stood still and watched him; he wasn’t sure what his friend had planned.
‘’Cassidy… hey.’’
‘’You don’t get to call me that anymore’’
‘’Calm down, I’m just tryna –‘’
‘’What do you want?’’
‘’I just wanna know if you’re okay, Rita’’
‘’Oh so now you care? Go away, James’’
‘’I… I’m sorry’’             James croaked out. Rita opened her mouth to speak, before any words were able to come out, Thomas signalled her not to say anything, instead he spoke.
‘’Maybe you should leave, huh?’’ Thomas said in a smug tone.
‘’Maybe you should mind your fucking own business’’ James answered back. Thomas stood up, as he stood up Grant, who was still standing by the door came over and stood beside James. Thomas removed his hat and stood so that he was face to face with James.
‘’You’re not as tough as you think you are, James’’
‘’You feeling lucky? Go ahead, take a shot, pussy’’ The weary tone he used to talk to Rita abandoned him and it was replaced with a devious smirk.
‘’I don’t have to, cos for once in your perfect life, James… you want something that you can’t have’’ Thomas said as he walked towards Rita, he grabbed her hand and kissed it softly. ‘’Rita… James. After all this time, she’s been ripped away from you… and all the movie star good looks and footballing ability in the world can’t help you get her back.’’ With that act, every bit of confidence and swagger that James possessed left his body. He turned around and walked quickly out of the diner and punched a window on his way out, leaving bloodied glass all over the floor. As Grant turned around to follow him, Rita grabbed his wrist.
‘’Grant… no hard feelings between me and you, right?’’
‘’Yeah, Rita, sure’’ He said as he left in pursuit of his friend. He ran out of the diner to see James sat against his car, inspecting his hand, which at that point was a clump of bloodied flesh. Grant rushed over, concerned for his friend.
‘’James, what the hell?!’’ He asked. James laughed.
‘’I gotta get to the hospital, but I’m not gonna be able to drive with this’’ he said as he raised his hand so Grant could see it better. Grant dug his hand into his pocket as he shook his head in disapproval.
‘’Don’t worry I got something.’’ He said as he fished out a few dollar bills. ‘’We’ll get a taxi.’’ He added. James stuck out his unscathed left hand.
‘’Help me up, will ya?’’ he said. Grant sighed then duly helped him up to his feet. They walked towards the main road in the hope of catching a taxi. They stood around for a few minutes, a taxi stopped for them and they got in.
‘’Where to, fellas?’’ The driver asked, he had a thick New Jersey accent. James gestured to Grant while he shuddered in pain.
‘’Royston Hospital, step on it’’ Grant said.
‘’Sure thing, fellas.’’
‘’You okay, James?’’
’I’m fine, I just need a few bandages or something’’
‘’James’’ Grant said as he sighed. ‘’I’m not talking about your hand. This whole mess with Rita and Thomas, how do you feel about it all?’’
‘’I feel no way about it. I’m gonna get her back, I promise.’’
‘’But –‘’
‘’I promise… Grant.’’
‘’Alright’’ Grant whispered softly as he nodded his head.

The rest of the journey didn’t last very long. It was dominated by James groaning because of his pain and complaints of the fact that the blood was leaking onto his baseball jacket.
‘’Royston Hospital, fellas. That’ll be eight bucks.’’ The driver said as they arrived at the hospital. Grant helped James out the car then paid the driver, he drove off and the boys walked into the emergency room. James explained the situation to the nurse and got himself duly treated. Grant sat in the waiting room for about thirty minutes.
‘’Dude, let’s go’’ James said to him as he signalled him to stand up, seemingly in a better mood now than he was shortly before. He walked towards the counter to discharge, and behind the desk was a girl. She had light brown hair that was tied up in a bun, she had hazel coloured eyes, her pale olive colour skin was stained with a light hoard of freckles that complimented her perfectly, and she had soft, plump lips that were dressed in a light layer of lip gloss. She spotted James walking over to her, and once she got a glimpse of his golden brown curls and angelic facial structure, she couldn’t stop herself from blushing.
‘’Are your cheeks always that red or are you just happy to see me?’’ James said confidently.
‘’Confidence?’’ The girl said as she chuckled lightly ‘’I’ll be honest, a bit of confidence is kinda hot’’ she added
‘’It is? Well there’s more where that came from.’’
‘’I’m sure there is’’ she couldn’t stop herself from blushing. ‘’So you’re here to discharge, right?
‘’Yeah. Yeah I am. My name’s James by the way, James Delgado.’’ He said as he stuck out a hand for her to shake.
‘’Pleased to meet you, James. I’m Layla, Layla Kastell.’’ She said as she shook James’s hand.
‘’The pleasure’s all mine, Layla Kastell’’ James replied as he kissed her hand. She blushed uncontrollably and once the handshake passed and she pulled her hand close to her chest and stroked it with her other hand.
‘’So, James, what happened to your hand?’’
‘’I don’t think there’s enough time right now for me to fill you in, how about we talk over dinner?’’ James asked as if he already knew that she was going to say yes.
‘’Dinner sounds great’’
‘’So, this Saturday? 8 o clock?’’
‘’Sure’’ Layla said as she smiled sheepishly, she had a beautiful smile, and her teeth were ridiculously white. Grant was looking over at her from behind James, he was sure that it was impossible for her teeth to be any straighter. She gave James her number; he thanked her for it and left quickly with Grant, who was growing impatient.
‘’I’ll call you tonight’’ James called to her as he walked off, Layla responded with a wave.
‘’So what now?’’ Grant asked as they walked out of the hospital.
‘’Well, we get a taxi back to the diner so I can get my car, these bandages are fine, I’ll be able to drive.’’
‘’Alright, cool. You’re paying for the taxi this time’’
‘’I got it, don’t worry.’’ The duo hailed another taxi and shortly arrived at the diner; they got into James’ car and drove home. They sat in Grant’s room; it had been an eventful day to say the least. Grant was pleased that he could once again spend time with his best friend. He felt as if he suddenly had a huge amount of responsibility on his shoulders, it was up to him to make sure James didn’t fall apart. He knew that James was putting on a false mask of confidence, sure, Layla from the hospital was hot, but she wasn’t Rita. It was only a few hours ago that James put his fist through a glass window over the frustration of no longer being able to call her his own, it was because of this that Grant did not fully understand James’ motives, why sweet talk Layla and get her number if his heart still desired Rita? All this did was make him more curious, but the day had already been an exhausting one. His head hit the pillow, nine hours later they were in James’ car on their way to school.

They arrived at school and as they got out of the car James was swamped by a group of giggling girls.
‘’Hey James, I heard you and Rita split’’ one of them said. Grant and James exchanged a look of bewilderment.
‘’Erm… yeah, I guess we did’’ James replied bluntly as he ruffled his curls. All the girls began to giggle like a chubby kid in an all you can eat candy buffet.
‘’Oh my god ! I can’t believe the hottest guy in school is available again!’’ another one of them exclaimed. Grant, who had seemingly grown tired of this all gave James a firm stare.
‘’Aight, ladies me and Grant gotta jet off, some space please?’’
‘’Call us James’’ a third one said as they all scurried off.
‘’Jeez, thank God for that’’ Grant said as he watched them all leave. He walked off, presumably disgruntled by the ambush at the hands of the smitten girls. One thing Grant liked about Rita and James being together was that it put a clamp on the attention that James received from females. While in a relationship, he was off limits, especially when his girlfriend was someone of the beauty and popularity of Rita Cassidy. It just made life a lot easier for him when he didn’t have to stand idly by while girls threw themselves at the feet of the golden brown curly haired Terminal High School icon that was James Delgado. They made their way to their first period, double chemistry as usual. Mrs. Palmer seemed to be in a good mood on this particular morning, she didn’t even set the class any homework. Two long hours passed and when the bell rang the two boys made their routine journey to their bench. They arrived to see Warren and his four piece entourage waiting for them.
‘’So, boys… How are ya?’’ Warren asked sharply.
‘’Piss off, Warren, I’m not in the mood for your shit today’’ James replied, just as sharply.
‘’Or what? You’re not in any state to show me up, James. Not only did Thomas Butler steal your girl, but it’s because of you that we got eliminated from the football tournament so early. Thirteen percent? You’re a fraud. A joke. Without that Rita slut by your –‘’ James interrupted Warren by grabbing him by his collar.
‘’Warren I swear to god I’ll kill you!’’ he shouted angrily. Warren spotted his cronies preparing themselves to intervene, he shoved James aggressively then addressed his group.
‘’NO ONE GET INVOVLED, YOU HEAR ME? HE’S MINE!’’ He screamed as he took off his dark hooded sweater then turned his attentions back to James. ‘’I’ve been waiting a long time for this’’ he said in a sinister tone.
‘’Then stop bitching and come get some.’’ James replied as he removed his jacket and cracked the knuckles on his left hand. Warren charged at him, he threw a punch, James dodged it expertly and replied with a punch of his own, left handed he connected with the side of Warren’s face, he grunted and tried to hit him once again, and once again James dodged it, and once again he reacted by punching the side of Warren’s face with his left hand, he followed this up with another stiff hook to his abdomen which caused his to curl up in pain. He began to gasp and cough in agony, he hastily returned to his feet.
‘’Is – is that all you got?!’’ he barked, desperate to finally get one over on his long-time rival,  and at this point about a quarter of the student body including Rita were gathered around and watching. He threw another punch aimed at the ribs of James, this time he connected, James grunted and threw one back, Warren dodged it and responded with a stiff head-butt, causing James to lose his balance and fall backwards, while he was on the ground Warren tried to step on his face, James prevented it by covering himself up with his forearms, as he jumped up to his feet he realised his left hand wasn’t enough to put Warren away, he took a deep breath and struck Warren on his left cheek bone with his injured right  hand, they both winced in pain as the hit connected. This time it was Warren’s turn to hit the deck, even with an injured hand the force of the blow was too much for Warren to maintain his balance. As he lay on the floor the back of his head crashed down firmly. Leaving him dangerously close to unconsciousness. Smelling the blood in the water, James went in pursuit of him, it was then that Grant knew he had to intervene.
‘’Jimmy!’’ he yelled as he swiftly moved in front of him to prevent him from doing any further damage.
‘’Grant, get the fuck out my way, man’’
‘’Don’t fall down to his level, James, you’re better than this!’’
‘’Dude, I’m not gonna tell you again, get outta my fucking way!’’ James barked, shoving Grant this time. He absorbed his firm palm on his chest, barely moving as he did so. James looked into his eyes deeply, knowing that he was physically powerless against him, yet despite this there was a hope, a hope that Grant would fold and allow James to continue his onslaught.
‘’We both know that if I wanna stand in your way, you won’t be able to move me’’
‘’This guy has tried to make your life hell since the start of high school, you’re telling me you don’t wanna see me give him what he deserves?!’’
‘’This – He, isn’t worth it. Walk away, Jimmy!’’
‘’Ugh, Grant, for fuck sakes get out of the –‘’ suddenly James felt a gentle hand on his shoulder from behind. It was a touch that he instantly recognised. ‘’Cass…’’ he said quietly as he turned around to see Rita. She ran her fingers through the soft curls on the side of his head and spoke softly.
‘’James, you’re better than this’’
‘’He’s been on our case for years, I gotta –‘’
‘’No, James. Warren is waste of time, and clearly you’re not feeling too great’’, she said as she casted her eyes onto his bandaged right hand. ‘’You’ve done enough; you’ve proved your point to him. Just walk away now, please’’ She said in a tone that was almost seductive. James was done, Rita managed to calm him down in a matter of seconds.
‘’Okay… aight’’ he said quietly. He picked up his jacket and bag and walked off with Grant.
‘’Stupid, stupid’’ Grant muttered as the pair walked away from the courtyard.

They sat next to each other in history class, but Grant refused to say a word to him.
‘’Grant, look, I’m sorry, aight? Come on man, say something to me’’ James pleaded. Grant looked at him in disgust; he didn’t have anything to say to him, he was just disappointed. ‘’Grant, fuck sakes how long do you plan on giving me the silent treatment? I said I was sorry, man. Fuck’’ James was genuinely sorry for what he did, but at the same time Grant’s stubbornness was starting to get on his nerves.
‘’You just don’t get it do you? What happens if you kept wailing on him and you got suspended or something? What then? I’d be left alone and they would all come after me for revenge. Bullshit, Jimmy. Warren’s like the biggest creep in school and today you were nearly on his level’’ Grant finally said. ‘’Look, I’ve spent a little over a day with you since you and Rita broke up and I don’t like what it’s doing to you, you’ve always had a taste for violence, but this is insane.’’ he finished. James took in Grant’s words; he thought deeply about it all and nodded his head.
‘’You’re right, I’m sorry, it’ll be different now, dude. I promise’’
‘’I hope for both our sakes that you mean it’’

The rest of the period was an awkward silence; it was too hard for Grant to just forget what had happened. After the period they walked through the hallway to get to their lockers when they bumped into Rita.
‘’Cassidy’’ James called after her.
‘’Stop calling me that!’’
‘’Come on, I’ve called you that since sixth grade’’
‘’Things are different now. If you wanna address me from now on, you call me Rita like everyone else does’’ Rita said as she opened her locker, as if she wasn’t even interested in their conversation.
‘’But I’m more than just any other person, aren’t I?’’ Rita looked him up and down coldly, and James knew her answer without her having to say a word. ‘’Aight, aight I got you… I was just tryna say thanks for stopping me earlier’’
‘’Cos I probably woulda done something I’d end up regretting. So -’’
‘’Oh, shut up, James’’
‘’I only did it for Grant, okay? I know how much it would affect him if you got in trouble or if Warren’s bonehead followers attacked you or something. I had his interests at heart, not yours.’’ Rita explained.
‘’You don’t mean that. I know you don’t’’ James said, a lump growing in his throat.
‘’Oh I mean it, I couldn’t care less about what happens to you’’
 ‘’Cassidy -?’’ as James started Rita slammed her locker door shut and looked him firmly in his eyes. ‘’Sorry… Rita’’ James started once again, but by now Rita had fully lost interest, she began to walk away, but James grabbed her arm.
‘’Let go of me, now!’’
‘’I just wanna talk to you, why are you being like this?!’’ James pleaded, tears beginning to form in his eyes.
‘’If you don’t let go of me now, I will scream’’ Rita said through her teeth, she spoke with an aggression that James didn’t even know existed in her.
‘’Rita, we had an amazing couple years together, how can you suddenly hate me so much?’’ he asked as he gently let go of her arm. He was so confused as to why Rita would barely even let him speak.
‘’Yeah we really did, and you threw it away when…’’ Rita began, but she quickly stopped and took a deep breath. ‘’Just leave me alone, James’’ she finished. The water in James eyes began to run down his cheeks slowly, he nodded his head and sniffed.
‘’Aight, okay, I get it. Thanks anyways’’ there was a strong sense of sorrow in James’ tone. He threw the hood of his jacket over his head and walked off with his eyes pointed at the ground. Rita sighed deeply and watched James with regret as he left, she then turned to Grant.
‘’Grant, I don’t want things to be awkward between us, I know I’m not with James anymore, but I value our friendship’’ Rita said. Grant felt conflicted, for the last several years of his life it had been him, James and Rita against the world. Now that had been severed because of a stupid mistake. He had a choice to make, he knew normally that James was more significant to him than any other person on the face of the earth, but at the same time he loved Rita, she maybe wasn’t there for him as much as James was, but she was easily a very close second.
‘’Look, I gotta go after him, I’ll call you this weekend, okay?’’
‘’Okay, Grant, see ya’’
Grant looked for James for as long as he could, it had gotten to the point where he had to go to his period; he was in the same Biology class as James so he expected to see him there. About ten minutes had passed since the period started and James still hadn’t showed up, Grant began to feel anxious, all the years he knew James, he’d never missed a period, it was a sin in his eyes. The period progressed and Grant’s anxiety grew, it finished and Grant rushed out of the classroom, he called James on his cellphone, no answer.
‘’James for Christ’s sake, pick up!’’ Grant said to himself. He called again, no answer. He continued to frantically pace around school, he was desperate to find his friend.  He finally found him during lunch break; he sat on their bench, on the particular space in that Rita liked to sit in. He had his hood over his head, his hands in his pockets, head pointing the ground. Grant sat next to him; it was his turn to be strong for his friend, he put his arm around James as he sobbed, he was willing to sit there with him for as long as he needed to.

James wasn’t in any state or frame of mind to go another period, or even run the risk of running into Rita again. As always Grant was beside him so the pair missed last period, getting into James’ car and driving back to Grant’s house instead.
‘’Hey, mom’’
‘’Good Afternoon, Aunt Ruby’’
‘’Good afternoon, boys’’, in her usual soothing tone. ‘’You’re home early’’
‘’Yeah, erm last period got cancelled, Aunt Ruby. We were allowed to leave early’’
‘’Oh, right, well okay. Dinner will be ready around six so just keep yourselves busy’’ she answered back as she began to tend to a pot that was sitting on the stove. The two boys kicked off their shoes and went up to Grant’s bedroom. Grant asked a question that he seemed to be asking all too often as of late.
‘’So… what now?’’
‘’Grant, man. In all honesty… I have no I fucking idea’’ James said as he placed his face into his cupped hands.
‘’Well, I’m guessing you still want her back?’’
‘’Really? I wonder how you came to that conclusion’’
‘’What? Look, Jimmy, do you want her back or not?’’
‘’No, nope, not at all, I just cried like a little bitch for no reason’’
‘’You finished?’’
‘’Okay, yeah, Grant. I want Cassidy back, but she don’t feel the same so what’s the use?’’
‘’So you’re giving up?’’
‘’I’m not, I’m just –‘’
‘’Just what, Jimmy?’’
‘’I don’t know, aight?! Fuck!’’ James exploded. He then sighed and brought his voice volume back down. ‘’Look, man… you heard how she spoke to me today, what am I supposed to do?’’
‘’So, what you’ve lost hope?’’
‘’I dunno, maybe I gotta get myself out there a little bit’’
‘’I reckon I’ll just take Layla out this weekend, see how that goes’’
‘’You think that’s the best thing to do?
‘’What’s this Grant, a fucking interview? I dunno if it’s the best thing to do, but Cassidy ain’t hanging around. We weren’t split for ten minutes before she ran off to Thomas, so why should I sit here and cry? Fuck that’’
‘’I guess you got a point. Just make sure you know what you’re doing.’’
‘’I do. I always do, you know that’’

‘’Good. And don’t hurt Layla, she seems cool’’ Grant finished. James nodded his head and lay backwards on the bed, trying to forget everything that was stressing him out right now.

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