Saturday, February 6, 2016

Chapter VII

Chapter VII – Wednesday 30th April 2014

‘’Aight, so howd it go?’’ James asked Grant as they drove to Ritas house to pick her up for school. Grant smiled then took a deep breath.
‘’It was perfect, James. Perfect. Shes perfect’’ he said.
‘’Dont get all soft on me’’ James replied jokingly.
‘’Not even like that, shes so cool’’ Grant replied, trying to defend himself.
‘’Yeah Ill be honest, shes great. Just wasnt right for me’’
‘’Well luckily enough, shes right for me’’ Grant shot back.
‘’So what now, a second date?’’ James asked.
‘’This weekend’’
‘’For real?’’
‘’Inshallah’’ Grant said quickly.
‘’What’d you call me?’’
‘’Its Arabic, Jimmy. Means god willing, Nick says it sometimes’’
‘’Yeah, right’’ James said awkwardly.
‘’Just drive, Jimmy’’ Grant said as he laughed. ‘’Oh yeah, how was the game yesterday?’’ he added.
‘’Got creamed, absolutely creamed’’
‘’Us or them?’’
‘’Us, 32-14. Wasnt even close’’ James said dimly.
‘’Whod we play?’’
‘’Highrise Academy. Suburb kids, hungry, aggressive. Theyre a good pack of players’’
‘’They need you back, man’’
‘’No they just need a leader. Warren was captain, right. All this guy does is yell and complain. Hes zero talent, man.’’ James said. ‘’I didnt even get to speak to Cassidy, I dropped her home after the game, but my Pop got back from his business trip last night so I spent it with him, I didnt text her or anything so I hope she aint mad’’ James explained.
‘’You didnt text her at all?’’
‘’Come on man, I havent seen my pop in months. Shell get it’’ James said, trying to convince himself as well as Grant.
‘’You sure shes okay and everything?’’ Grant asked.
‘’Yeah, shell be fine. Gonna see her in a few minutes anyway’’
‘’Everything cool with you, Grant?’’
‘’Yeah, its just I had a few missed calls from her last night but I was asleep’’
‘’For real?’’
‘’For real. Wheres your phone?’’
‘’Glove box, its been off since before the game yesterday’’ James replied. Grants eyes bulged in shock. He quickly retrieved the phone from the glove box and switched it on. After a few moments, the phone switched on, as soon as it was on it began buzzing and flashing uncontrollably. Grant scanned it.
‘’Theres thirty four missed calls and forty two messages here, Jimmy. All from Rita’’ Grant said.
‘’Honest to god’’ Grant said as he tried to show the phone screen to James without causing him to lose sight of the road.
‘’Argh, Christ. Grant, what the fuck?’’
‘’Jimmy, step on it something could have  happened’’
‘’Check the messages, what do they say?!’’
‘’I dunno, I - I need your password’’
‘’22nd of September, hurry up’’ Grant typed in the password and began flicking through the messages, his face was covered in horror. James, who was probably at about sixty miles an hour now quickly glanced from Grant back to the road. ‘’Grant?!’’ he exclaimed.
‘’Thomas got to her’’ Grant said with a huge lump in his throat.
‘’Are you fuckin’ kidding me?! What the fuck happened?!’’
‘’Erm, she, er, she –‘’
‘’Grant fuckin’ spit it out, man!’’
‘’Sorry, just hold on!’’
‘’Alright! Okay, look… she ran to the store for her mom, judging by whats here, she bumped into Thomas and it didnt go down too well’’ Grant said, his tone frightening. James didnt even reply, he pressed his foot down on the pedal even harder and headed to Ritas house with purpose, avoiding crossing pedestrians, bypassing traffic and ignoring traffic lights. They arrived shortly thereafter.
‘’Grant I swear to god Im gonna kill Thomas Butler’’ James said as he flung the car door wide open and sprinted towards her front door.
‘’Cassidy! Cassidy! Rita! Open the door!’’ he screamed continuously as he banged on the door. No answer. Grant tried to call her cellphone but there was no answer. ‘’Rita open the door, it’s James!’’ James pleaded further as he pounded on the front door.
‘’She isnt picking up her phone, man’’ Grant said as James continued to bang on the door and scream Rita’s name.
‘’Argh. Grant you gotta get me into the house, I know shes in there!’’ James shouted, fearing for his girlfriend.
Ritas Stepfather was a bus driver and her mom was a kindergarten teacher, so Rita often spent her mornings alone in the house unless James and Grant came slightly earlier to hang out for a bit. Today, they arrived at the perfect time, James planned the journey so that they would make it to school right on the bell if Rita had come out of the house exactly ten minutes after James and Grants arrival.
‘’James I –‘’ Grant began to speak, as he did this James grabbed him by the collar assertively.
‘’Rita told me that you told her! Theres not even anyone around, use your powers, do whatever the fuck you have to do to get me into this house!’’ James demanded. Grant sighed deeply, he didn’t need long to think of an idea.
‘’Alright, come to the back, you know her mom always leaves her room’s balcony open’’ Grant suggested. The pair ran to the back of Ritas house. ’’Look, Ill get in, unlock it from the inside and let you in’’
‘’That could work, but how you gonna get in through there? Its thirty feet high’’
‘’I got it, Jimmy’ Grant took a few steps backwards, grunted softly and literally leaped thirty feet in the air and through the open balcony of Ritas parents bedroom. James shook his head in awe as he ran back towards the front door again.

A few seconds later, several bolts clicked and Grant opened the door. James ran straight up the stairs into Ritas room. He entered, she was sat in her pyjamas on the bed, eyes filled with water and blue and purple bruises on her arms. It was a sight that brought tears to James eyes before a word was even exchanged. He threw off his baseball jacket and rushed over to her.
‘’Cassidy, oh my god I –‘’ as he began, Rita stood up and levelled him with the probably the hardest slap hed ever felt in his entire life.
‘’I needed you. Where were you, James?! Where the fuck were you?!’’ she said, crying uncontrollably.
‘’I was with my dad, I didnt think –‘’
‘’You didnt think what?!’’
‘’Rita, Im so sorry’’ James pleaded desperately.
‘’I needed you, James’’ she said as she sat on the side of her bed, head in her hands sobbing.
‘’Im here now, Rita, Im not letting you go’’ he replied as he sat next to her and tried to hold her, he too was now crying softly. Rita tried to fend him off out of anger, but it was clear that James was sticking to his objective of comforting his distraught girlfriend. His anger towards Thomas was suppressed right now, because he had to be there for Rita. Grant sat in a separate chair on the other side of the room, head in his hands, not even knowing what to make of the situation. Grant asked Rita to explain what happened, much to the disapproval of James who found it too hard to hear about how some other guy forced his scummy hands all over the love of his life. They ended up missing school, Rita being too traumatised, James wanting to comfort his girlfriend and Grant not wanting to go in alone. Several hours passed, Rita had regained her composure and James did all her could to comfort her. As time passed he allowed himself to be informed on little details of what had actually went down. Thomas cornered her with two hired henchmen. Hed attempted to assault and force himself on her, Ritas rejection angered him and made him react violently, squeezing her arms and even striking her in the stomach at one point. It was a terrifying ordeal that Rita didnt have much desire to re live. Grant sat at Ritas desk doing homework that he wasnt able to do the night before because of his date, while James and Rita lay in bed together, Rita was still quite shaken up despite being calmed by James and Grants eventual presence.
‘’James, Im sorry about earlier’’ she said.
‘’Dont worry about it, thats a decent right hand you got there though’’ James replied jokingly.
‘’Baby’’ she said playfully as she giggled softly. ‘’Im serious, Im really sorry’’ she added.
‘’No, Im sorry. I should have been there for you last night’’ James replied.
‘’James, your dad got back after months away, I get you wanted to spend time with him. How the hell were you supposed to know that something like this would happen?’’ Rita finished. James nodded his head, he leaned in and kissed her lovingly.
‘’Hell pay for this, you dont have anything else to worry about’’ James said as he looked Grant deep in his eyes, Grant responded with a simple nod.
‘’I love you, James’’ Rita said tenderly as she rested her head on James chest.
‘’I love you too, Cassidy. I swear Im gonna fully protect you from here on out’’ James replied, kissing her head.
‘’James, I gotta get home’’ Grant said quietly about fifteen minutes later as he checked his watch.
‘’Yeah, I got you bro dont worry’’ he said, he then turned to Rita. ‘’Come stay the night at my house?’’ he suggested. Rita nodded, she stood up and began to pack her overnight necessities. They left before Ritas parents got back, Rita sent them a text to let them know that she would be staying with James that night.

James dropped Grant off home, he said his farewells and entered his house. Nick and Leonard were still at work so it was only Ruby. She was in the kitchen as always, he walked in and greeted her.
‘’Good afternoon, Mom’’
‘’You okay, baby? You look a little pale’’
‘’Im fine, just tired’’ he said as he let out a fake yawn. ‘’Ill get out of your hair’’ he walked towards the stairs. ‘’Give me a call when dinners ready please, mom. That smells amazing’’
‘’I will, dont worry’’ she said as she chuckled lightly. He walked up his stairs and entered his room. The whole situation with Thomas made him a bit uncomfortable, he was more than certain that nothing would stand between James and revenge, the only problem was that Grant had no idea what James had in mind. He sat back, he was sure that whatever plan of action James was concocting would involve his powers, normally he would be sceptical of this, but in the case of protecting Rita, he was more than ready to take the gloves off and do what had to be done.  Recent events led to a growth of confidence in within Grant, saving James, his powers developing, and especially his successful date with Layla. It seemed even Warren had gotten bored of trying to bully him, although James constant intervention was probably a major reason for this. It was about five oclock, he grabbed his cellphone and dialled in Laylas number.
‘’Hey’’ she said softly.
‘’Layla, hey’’
‘’How was your day?’’
‘’Just tiring, Im at home now’’
‘’How was school’’
‘’I didnt go, something important came up’’
‘’Is everything okay, Grant?’’
‘’Yeah, everythings cool’’
‘’So why didnt you go school?’’
‘’Something came up’’
‘’Are you sure everythings okay?’’
‘’You sound I dunno, distant’’
‘’Do I?’’
‘’Yeah you do, Grant come on talk to me’’
‘’Im fine, something kinda happened’’
‘’You can talk to me, Grant’’
‘’I know, I know’’
‘’So whats up?’’
‘’Im not sure if I should say’’
‘’Grant? Youre scaring me’’
‘’What? What about her?’’
 ‘’Its Rita. She was attacked by Thomas’’
‘’Thomas Butler?’’
‘’Is she okay?’’
‘’Shell be fine, shes just real shaken up’’
‘’Grant what is whole mess, how do you guys know Thomas? What reason does he have to attack Rita?’’
‘’Im not gonna bore you with details over the phone’’
‘’Dont leave me in the dark. I wanna be here for you’’
‘’Alright. Long story short, while James and Rita had that little break, she had a tiny thing with him. She cut it off when she got back with James and now hes obsessed. Problem is, now James has his heart set on us getting revenge. But Thomas has money, and a lot of it. He was with two hired henchmen last night when he got to Rita, so imagine what he could pull out of the bag if James goes after him’’
‘’Grant I know youre more than capable of taking care of yourself, and I know we arent really serious. But Ive enjoyed the little time weve spent talking to each other and stuff’’
‘’Thanks, Layla. I feel the same way’’
‘’Thats great to hear, but I erm…’’ Layla took a deep breath. ‘’Grant I just want your word, I want you to tell me that youll try your best to not get hurt’’
‘’You have my word’’
‘’Thank you, Grant’’ she said tenderly. The pair sat and spoke on the phone for hours and hours, at around twelve oclock Layla called time on their conversation, she was tired now.
‘’Grant I think Im gonna head off now’’
‘’Thats cool, Layla. Say, you busy this weekend?’’
‘’Depends whos asking’’
‘’I am’’
‘’In that case, Im free as a bird’’
‘’So would you maybe go to the movies or something?’’
‘’Id love that’’
‘’Great, Ill text you tomorrow?’’
‘’Yeah, please do’’
‘’Will do. Goodnight Layla’’
‘’Goodnight, Grant’’
He put his phone down and turned off his bedside lamp. The last couple of days were a rollercoaster to say the least, he was sure that Layla was interested him, what he wasnt sure of was what James was going to do about Thomas, and this little seed of anxiety stayed planted in the back of his head as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

At about the same time, James and Rita lay in bed together, they spent the majority of the night just talking. Her attack hit her hard, evidently more mentally than physically. Scars and bruises heal eventually, but experiences, memories, they stay with a person, and theyre the things that really hurt. Rita had a strong character, hard headed and tenacious. In a relationship of over two years James had rarely even seen her in such a vulnerable state, it wasnt something that made him particularly comfortable but he had to be there for her, it wasnt a duty or an obligation for him, he was there for her because his heart told him he had no choice, he loved Rita with everything in him, and his desire to always comfort and protect her was just one of the infinite ways he showed it.

Rita had her head rested on James chest; she liked doing this whenever she had the chance because it let her hear his heartbeat. She shuffled around a little bit and cleared her throat.
‘’You okay, Cassidy?’’ James asked quietly.
‘’Youre awake?’’
‘’Yeah, I told myself I wouldnt fall asleep until you did’’
‘’What? Seriously?’’
‘’Youre so sweet, James’’
‘’More in love than sweet’’
‘’Im the luckiest girl in the world arent I?’’
‘’Youre not far off’’ James said as he chuckled. Rita giggled too then once again cleared her throat.
‘’Wait, howd you know I wasnt asleep?’’ she added as she slid and sat up on the bed so she was looking at James.
‘’You snore loud as shit when youre asleep’’ James replied, chuckling even harder now.
‘’I do not snore!’’
‘’Oh come on, how would you even know? Youre asleep’’
‘’Shut up, James’’
‘’You shut up’’
‘’Dont be childish’’ she said playfully.
‘’Dont be childish’’ James replied mockingly, imitating Rita.
‘’So now youre a comedian?’’
‘’Im multi-talented’’
‘’Are you?’’
‘’I am’’
‘’Shut up’’
‘’You shut up’’
‘’Why dont you make me?’’
‘’Challenge accepted’’ James said as he sat up on the bed so he was face to face with her. He smiled and planted a quick peck on her lips then pulled away and winked. He leaned in again and brushed his nose on hers, this time he pulled away and smiled.
‘’Stop it!’’ Rita said as she slapped his arm playfully.
‘’Alright, Im done’’ he replied with a cheeky smile on his face.
‘’You know I hate that’’
‘’Do I?’’
‘’Yes, asshole’’ Rita said as she rolled her eyes and hit his arm once more.
‘’Come here, lemme make it up to you’’ James replied with a steamy tone in his voice. Rita smiled then bit her lip sensually and leaned in, she put a hand on either side of his face and began to kiss him tenderly, and this tenderness soon became a hot passion. After a few minutes, Rita began to run her hands all over James body, she eventually found herself in an unfamiliar area, below his waist to be specific. James groaned pleasurably and Rita continued.
‘’James’’ Rita said while breathing heavily, the sexual chemistry beginning to consume her. ‘’James, oh my god. Its so hu-‘’ just as Rita was about to finish her rather vulgar comment, James pulled away for a second, much to the confusion of Rita.
‘’Baby, whats wrong?’’ she asked.
‘’You sure about this, Cassidy?’’ he asked, he was adamant that he wasnt going to let lust overcome his respect for Rita.
‘’More sure than I ever have been, come here’’ she said as he grabbed James and continued to kiss him.
They simultaneously got undressed slowly. They then sat on the bed, still kissing. She drifted her face away from his and began to kiss his neck sensually, soon enough James pulled away again. There was too much going through his mind, of course he wanted to do this with Rita. She was insanely beautiful and he loved her more than anyone could love anything, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Despite all of this there was so much to consider, it didnt take an expert to notice that Rita wasnt in the best mental state. She had just been attacked by Thomas, she was vulnerable and James had no desire to take advantage of that. Hed always been a gentleman to Rita when it came to situations of this level of significance, its the way he was raised, and it was the only way he knew. He wanted to be hundred and ten percent sure that Rita was fully on board with going through with what seemed undeniably inevitable at this point.
‘’Cassidy, we dont have to do this if youre not ready, you know that, right?’’ he asked sternly.
‘’Listen to me, James Delgado.  Youre an angel, you stole my heart the very first time you ever spoke to me, and since that day Ive known that all I want is to spend the rest of my life with you. This is a big deal, but its also a big step. A big step that Im ready to take’’
‘’One hundred percent? Youre one hundred percent sure about this, theres not even one spec of doubt in your mind?’’
‘’Yes, James. I want this, all this mess has made me want it even more, its made me realise how much I love you. I want to be closer to you, I want you all of you’’
‘’I want this, too. I just dont want you to look back in a few weeks or months and regret it’’
‘’My only regret will be if we dont do this, right now. I love you, James’’
‘’I love you too, Rita’’ James replied while smiling, it was rare for him to even use Ritas first name, so that only added to the sincerity of the situation. Rita returned the smile and laid back on the bed. She looked James deep in his eyes and slowly pulled him in close to her and they began kissing again. The next two hours or so passed by slowly and pleasantly, it was an experience that they were both breath taken by. It wasnt anything like theyd expected. Pleasure, affection, love. They finally did it, they were the undisputed power couple of Terminal High School, that along with the frisky attitudes of teenagers in modern society meant that most people in school assumed that theyd already did it multiple times. This was more than just intercourse for the two of them, it was a symbol, a sign even. A sign of things to come, a symbol that represented their mutual intent to spend the rest of their lives together.

They both lay in bed in each others arms, Rita lay with her head on James chest as usual.
‘’That was wow. Not bad for our first time, huh?’’ James said quietly, smiling softly as he stroked Ritas back.
‘’That was amazing, James. So much better than I ever expected’’ Rita replied, still struggling with a slight absence of breath.
‘’Rita?’’ James asked, speaking in a more serious tone now.
‘’Yes, James?’’ Rita replied as she postured up a bit so she could see James face. He was calling her by her first name so whatever he had to say must have been quite important.
‘’If you ever feel like youre regretting this, or like this was a mistake or something you tell me straight away’’
‘’I wont ever feel that way’’
‘’Losing your virginity is a big deal. I just dont want you to feel like you did it too early or something’’
‘’I want to spend the rest of my life with you. In fact, I will spend the rest of my life with you. So does it matter whether or not we did it two hours ago or in ten years? No, cos either way my feelings towards you wont change’’
‘’Yeah I get that, Rita. But if you ever feel that way just make sure you tell me, okay?’’
‘’I will. I love you, James Delgado’’
‘’I love you too, Cassidy’’
Rita noticed a distance in James manner. She wasnt one to jump to conclusions or doubt herself straight off the bat. She knew that James loved her and that what they just did would ring significantly for rest of their lives. It was about half past one in the morning, maybe James was tired or something. She didnt question it or even overthink it much, she just kept her head on his chest and allowed herself to drift off. Shed leaped the last hurdle in her relationship with James, she was now fully ready to spend the rest of her life with him.

The next morning Grant jumped out of bed and dropped to his hands. Up and down, up and down, up and down. Five hundred push ups later he jumped up to his feet and clicked his fingers loudly.
‘’Alright, lets see what today has in store for us’’ he said quietly to himself. Roughly forty minutes later he was out of his house as usual, he got into James car, Rita was sitting in the back. He threw his bag in the backseat next to her and sat down in the front next to James.
‘’How you feeling, Rita?’’ Grant asked
‘’Better, Ive just been really shaken up these last couple of days’’
‘’Understandable I guess’’
‘’Just a bit curious to see how this all plays out now’’
‘’With me putting my foot down his throat, thats how’’ James cut in assertively, it was clear he was in a bad mood, and it was clear that it was probably going to last the whole day. The compassionate mood he adopted to comfort Rita was gone, and the fury from this whole situation had overcome him.
‘’James…’’ Rita said anxiously.
‘’What? He put his hands all over you, I dont care about all that no violence stuff, hes gonna get what he deserves now’’
‘’James, please there has to be another way’’
‘’Nah, nah there isnt’’ James said firmly.
‘’Theres always another way of dealing with things, I know what he was really bad but –‘’ Rita attempted to plead.
‘’Not even discussing it, Rita’’ James said, hoping to end the back and forth there and then.
‘’Fine. Have it your way, I just hope you know what youre doing’’ Rita said sharply as she rolled her eyes then casted them down on to her cell phone.
‘’I do. Today after school me and Grant are goin Drayton’’ James replied
‘’We are?’’ Grant asked, seemingly bewildered by his friends plan.
‘’We are. I know where he lives, its like a five minute drive from the train station, ridiculous mansion that you cant miss’’ James explained.
‘’Right’’ Grant said sheepishly.
‘’You in?’’ James asked quickly.
‘’James, look I –‘’ Grant began.
‘’Doesnt matter. Ill go alone’’ James said as he waved a dismissive hand.
‘’I didnt say that Im not coming’’ Grant said sharply.
‘’So are you in or out?’’ James asked sternly.
‘’Im in’’ Grant said tentatively.
‘’Both of you just be careful okay’’ Rita said, a strong sense of concern in her tone.
‘’We got it, dont worry, Cassidy’’ James said. Rita didnt say anything back, she simply nodded her head and plugged in her earphones, Grant pulled out his cellphone and did the same.

Upon their arrival Rita went off with a group of girls from her homeroom while Grant and James made their way their lockers.
‘’Wanna bet Warren is gonna come up to me and talk wack about the game yesterday?’’ James asked rhetorically. Grant chuckled.
‘’Ill buy you lunch if he does’’ he replied as they shook hands and chuckled.
‘’If push comes to shove Im gonna throttle him. I dont want any bullshit from you, not today, not in the mood Im in’’ James finished. Grant raised his eyebrows in reluctant approval and the pair continued their journey to their lockers. Moments later they began to sort out their books, and coincidently they were approached by Warren.
‘’James!’’ he called. Before James replied to him, he glanced over at Grant and mouthed you owe me lunch, much to the amusement of Grant who sniggered under his breath.
‘’What do you want, man?’’ James responded.
‘’We got destroyed yesterday while you sat in the bleachers like youre royalty or something’’ Warren snarled
‘’Im injured, we both know I am’’ James replied dimly.
‘’So?’’ Warren shrugged.
‘’So I cant play. Are you fuckin retarded or something? How can one human being be so stupid, jeez’’ James replied in confusion.
‘’You wanna watch your mouth’’ he said as he shoved James firmly. ‘’I dont see how you plan on getting one over on me and the boys with only one arm’’ Warren said deviously as he gestured to his quartet of followers: Chris, Sean, Brandon and Craig.
‘’Get out of my face, Warren. You dont want it with me today’’ James said, trying to warn his persistent adversary.
‘’The fuck you gonna do, huh?’’ Warren replied sternly. James sighed deeply, he looked over to Grant who chuckled lightly and continued to get his books from his locker.
‘’Whats so funny, loser?!’’ Warren barked.
‘’Leave him outta this’’ James replied. He stepped in close to Warren ‘’Im giving you five seconds, piss off’’
‘’Five seconds? Just who do you think –‘’
‘’Do you think Im scared of –‘’
‘’Delgado, if you think –‘’
‘’Five!’’ yelled James. He grabbed the side of Warrens head with his right hand and blasted it against one of the lockers leaving a firm dent the size of his head in the metal. Warren dropped to the ground, wailing in pain and holding his head. His quartet of followers reacted as if they were about to intervene, as they made their way over, James threw his bag on the floor, he glanced over at the group and opened out his arms.
‘’Who else wants to piss me off today?!’’ he shouted. Brandon picked up a near-by fire extinguisher and charged towards James with a chillingly deranged look in his eye, he raised it above his head and went to strike James with it. Grant instantly reacted and swiftly cut in front of James, he grabbed the fire extinguisher as it came down with his left hand crushed it after about half a second of squeezing it. White foam exploded all over the halls of the locker area. He then threw the crumpled metallic remains at Craig who was standing a few yards behind Brandon, it struck him on his knees and caused him to fall to the ground in pain, but Grant wasnt finished. He then grabbed Brandon by his collar, and with one hand he launched him at Sean, the pair experienced a nasty collision and fell to the ground in agony. Grant then looked towards the last man standing; Chris. He had brief eye contact with Grant, he then looked around.
‘’Hey, come on man. I dont even like these guys’’ he pleaded as he ran away, covered in fire extinguisher foam. The crowd of students watching stood in awe, James stood in awe. Grant looked at James, he puffed out his cheeks in frustration, and it had just occurred to him that hed used his powers in school.

The bell rang for homeroom and everyone scurried off, James and Grant tried to do the same but were caught by Principal Callaghan.
‘’My office please boys’’ he said defiantly. He had a nasal like tone to his voice, it was quite annoying to anyone who wasnt used to it. He was a dark haired brown skinned man whose facial features suggested he was quite old. Maybe in his early sixties, he had a fairly regular build for a man of his age, and he often wore glasses. The pair walked into his office and sat down on separate chairs.
‘’James Delgado and Grant Friday. Two of my best students. Ive been here for thirty seven years, and you guys are at the top when it comes to the best students Ive ever worked with’’ He said. ‘’This leads me to question why has all happened. Truth be told, James, youre quite the loose cannon so I expected this, but Grant? Youre the cautious one’’ he added.
‘’He tried to hit Jimmy with a fire extinguisher, I mean couldnt just sit back and let him’’ Grant said timidly.
‘’I was told already. Despite the fact they came off second best, I am well aware that it was the other five boys who started this confrontation’’
‘’Principal Callaghan, listen –‘’ James started.
‘’No need. Look boys, youve been through a lot. You were both in a car crash recently. That along with your outstanding attendance and grades means that youre due to be cut a bit of slack. This is your free pass, boys. You only free pass might I add’’ Principal Callaghan interrupted.
‘’Thanks, Callaghan’’ James said as he got up.
‘’Thank you so much, Principal Callaghan’’ Grant said as he followed.
‘’Hold on’’ Principal Callaghan said as he sat down in his luxurious red velvet chair. ‘’No suspension, no detention, no phonecall to your parents. Thats all part of the free pass.’’
‘’Well thats sweet’’ James said.
‘’Someone still needs to clean up all of that foam’’ Principle Callaghan said as he opened a draw under his desk, he pulled out a key and threw it towards James who caught it. ‘’Thats a key to the Janitors closet. Two mops, you have until the end of this period. Bring the key back when youre done’’
‘’Of course, Principal Callaghan’’ Grant and James said in unison as they left. The two friends went retrieve the mops and other cleaning equipment. They duly finished their chore and returned it all.
‘’Bro, thanks for earlier. You really didnt have to use your powers like that’’ James said sincerely.
‘’You would have done the same for me. Dont think I wouldve enjoyed seeing Brandon clobber you with a fire extinguisher anyways’’ Grant replied as he chuckled.
‘’Ill be honest, I dont think I would have been able to take all four of them’’
‘’I got your back man’’ Grant said as he put his arm around James.
‘’Gotta admit, it was kinda cool the way you crushed that fire extinguisher’’
‘’Whats not cool is all the attention Im gonna get now’’
‘’Nah man, this is high school. Just lay low for a week and people will move on’’
‘’Well just have to wait and see’’

They went back to Principal Callaghans office to return the key.
‘’Go home, boys’’ Principal Callaghan said.
‘’What? For real?’’ James asked.
‘’Another run in with those boys isnt ideal. So off you guys go, now.’’
‘’Aight, see ya, Callaghan’’ James said as the pair left quickly.
‘’Boys, wait!’’ Principal Callaghan called.
‘’Yes, Principal Callaghan?’’ Grant said sharply
‘’One thing, how on earth did that fire extinguisher burst like that?’’
‘’Theres a little self-destruct button under the nozzle of these new ones, Grant must of pressed it by accident’’ James said. There was that quick thinking again.
‘’Really?’’ Principal Callaghan questioned.
‘’Yeah, yeah thats right Principal Callaghan’’ Grant said sternly.
‘’Very well. Alright, boys, off you go on home’’
‘’See ya later, Principal Callaghan’’ they said in unison as they rushed off to avoid any more questions. They walked to Ritas math class to see her just as it was finishing.
‘’That was close, too close’’ Grant said bluntly.
‘’Dont sweat it, couple of white lies will do well to throw them off the scent’’ James said confidently.

The bell rang to signal the end of the period, Ritas math class quickly emptied, she came out and much to her surprise she saw the boys standing their waiting for her.
‘’You guys! What happened? Im hearing all kinds of nonsense’’ she asked.
‘’We cant stick around, Cassidy. Callaghans told us to get outta here’’ James replied.
‘’Really? Well I wanna know what happened’’ Rita pleaded.
‘’Look, well be back after school to pick you up and explain everything, for now we gotta jet’’ James said quickly.
‘’Alright, you look like youre okay anyways’’ Rita said, visually examining the two boys.
‘’Im cool thanks to Grant. Listen go on to your next period, Ill see you in a few hours, alright?’’
‘’Alright, James. I love you’’ she replied.
‘’I love you too, Cassidy’’ James replied. They then shared one of their usual tender kisses, Grant and Rita then waved at each other and the pair of friends left.
‘’Where are we going?’’ Grant asked.
‘’Well first I gotta fill up my tank’’ James replied.
‘’The arcade’’ James answered.
‘’What happened the last time we were supposed to go the arcade?’’ Grant said jokingly.
‘’Fuck you, asshole’’ James said as they both laughed. He put his car into gear and drove off towards the gas station.

They spent about five minutes there while James filled up and paid for it all, he then drove towards the arcade. Grant and James didnt spend as much time at the arcade as they maybe wouldve liked to. It was quite vast, it had purple walls, and these purple walls had all kinds of decorations on them, from ghosts, to superhero posters, to novelty clocks. It was well air conditioned and it never smelled too bad either. Perhaps the only complaint was the jukebox. The owner of the arcade was in charge of whatever music was played, it was rarely anything that appealed to the boys. When they were younger this was the place that they spent most of their days, the pinball machine and the virtual cars being the games that consumed the majority of their quarters. As time progressed and they got older, they experienced an infatuation with pool. One time when they were fourteen, they played twelve straight games, and Grant won nine of these games.  A fiasco arose when a few exasperated kids tried to start a fight with them because theyd been on the table for too long. It all resulted in James; who was already frustrated because he kept losing, beating two of them over the head with a pool cue, breaking it in the process. This resulted in Grant and James being handed a lifetime ban, a ban that was meaningless five months later because the then owner, Mr. Morales died of a heart attack. Though they had since returned, this was the first time since that day they were about to play a game of pool. Grant slid a dollar bill into the side of the table so that the game could start.
‘’Normal eight ball rules?’’ James asked.
‘’Yeah always’’ Grant said as he rubbed the top of his cue with a blue chalk cube.
‘’I still want revenge for that day when you creamed me a few years back’’
‘’I think every bit of anger you had got taken out on those kids’’ Grant said as he let out a hearty chuckle.
‘’Shut up, man’’ James said as he tried to suppress a giggle of his own.
‘’Mr. Morales was pissed that day’’
‘’He overreacted, those kids got what they deserved’’ James said as Grant passed him the chalk cube.
‘’He had such a fire to his personality, how many times did he kick you out’’ Grant said, still chuckling.
‘’God rest his soul, man’’ James said, he too still slightly chuckling. ‘’He was a bit of a loose cannon to say the least’’ he added, his tone nostalgic.
‘’Thats one way of describing him, I can think of a few others ‘’
‘’Dont speak ill of the dead, Grant’’ James said jokingly as he wagged his finger.
‘’Yeah, yeah whatever. Lets get this game started’’
‘’Yeah, come on’’ James replied as he examined his cue.
‘’Alright, break’’ Grant said.
‘’You break’’ James replied.
‘’Really, Jimmy?’’ Grant shot back.
‘’Just break, man’’ James persisted.
‘’Ugh, you do this every time we play’’
‘’Grant, youre wasting time. Just break’’
‘’Cool’’ Grant said, giving in to James annoying persistence.
‘’What? You mad now?’’ James asked jokingly.
‘’Not even a little bit. But just for that, Im gonna pot every ball and win on my first go’’
‘’Twenty bucks says you cant do it’’
‘’Got yourself a deal’’ Grant said confidently. He placed the white ball down and shot it.
‘’What was that? What went in? Spots?’’ James asked.
‘’Spots’’ Grant said as he examined the table. ‘’Its just like football, its all simple schematics and formulas’’ he added. He then proceeded to take seven more shots, every shot resulted in a ball being potted. James gritted his teeth.
‘’Aight, I aint about to lose twenty bucks just like that. Double or nothing’’ he said quickly.
‘’How we gonna do a double or nothing? I havent got any more balls to pot’’
‘’Eight shots. Pot the eight stripes too’’
‘’For real?’’
‘’Yeah, if you do it, I owe you forty bucks, if not, you get nothing’’
‘’Watch this’’ Grant said confidently. James stood back and watched Grant pot every ball on the table leaving only the eight ball. He then put the cue down on the table.
‘’You owe me forty bucks’’ he said as he winked at James.
‘’Gotta hand it to you, youre good man, better than I remember’’ James replied as they hit fists, James using this a sign of respect for Grants ability.
‘’Im flattered. Look Im feeling kind, lets go to the diner on Royston. You can pay for my food instead of giving me forty bucks’’ Grant said as he began to leave the arcade. James put his cue down and followed him.

They arrived at the diner about fifteen minutes later, everyone was at school at work during this time of the day, there was little to no traffic on most roads.
‘’So erm, we going to Drayton later?’’ Grant asked James.
‘’I was thinking, man. We should just hang back and let him come to us. I know how guys like him think’’
‘’You do?’’
‘’Sure. This scumbag is expecting me, hothead James Delgado to come after him guns blazing. Hes prepared for that, if anything, thats what he wants. So were not gonna give it to him’’
‘’Makes sense, for once youre using your head’’
‘’Had to happen sooner or later. Anyways, hell back before long and when he shows his face Im gonna shove my foot down his throat’’
‘’Sounds like a plan’’ Grant finished. They sat in the diner for a few more hours until it was time to go and collect Rita, the day finished off as one of their regular days. The three of them hung out at James house that day, neither Grant nor James parents were informed about their altercation at school thanks to Principal Callaghans lenience. Rita returned home after spending the previous night at James house, shed done a magnificent job of hiding her bruises from Thomas attack from her parents. She didnt want them to find out and panic, especially because she felt like the situation was in the comfortable hands of Grant and James, the latter being a hundred percent certain that he would get revenge and give Thomas what he ‘’deserves.’’ Grant though, welcomed James more diplomatic method of dealing with Thomas, he said he was on board with the last plan purely because of his loyalties to James and Rita, but in reality he was very anxious about the brazen nature of James plot, the only reason he didnt oppose it was because James was infamous for being the most stubborn person ever when it came to protecting Rita, so any protest would have been futile. Grant however did feel like he was making progress and taking steps in the right direction, he was a lot more comfortable with his surroundings and definitely wasnt as anxious as he used to be. Proof of this was in his episode with Warrens quartet. He was still mindful of his date with Layla on the weekend, so although he was content with his on mental progress, he was overcome with the thought that the best was still yet to come.

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